Thursday, November 7, 2013

People who own a wild animals as pets

I'm not talking about animals who love companionship such as dogs, and cats. I'm talking about people who own snakes, mice, birds, and any other animal that needs to live in the wild, and not in a cage. For example, keeping a bird in a cage is ridiculous and just plain wrong. If you’re reading this, and have a pet bird locked in a cage, or thinking of becoming a bird owner, this blog is for you. First of all, what are you doing with the bird? Birds were meant to fly. There’s not a whole lot of flying going on in that cage. You’re not doing the bird any favours by keeping him locked in a cage. Think about it, the bird spends the entire day eating sunflower seeds, pooping on an old newspaper, and chirping. Yes, chirping, and why do you think the bird is chirping? I can definitely tell you he’s not thanking you for his wonderful home made of bars. He’s not thanking you for his lack of freedom, and boring life. Lets just say, he’s chirping something I can’t repeat. What kind of person keeps a bird for a pet? Does it make you feel good to hear people say, “what a cute little bird.” Here’s a thought, let the bird put you in a cage where he can feed you little pieces of hot dog, poop on old newspaper, and cry all day because you can’t go for a walk, or stretch your legs. Doesn’t sound good, does it. Let me guess, you’re the same person who keeps a pet snake in an aquarium. I’m not sure what’s worse, a bird in a cage, or a snake in an aquarium. Again, a wild animal living in prison thanks to you, yes you, the inhumane pet owner. So, what is so appealing about keeping these pets? In my opinion, nothing, nothing at all. Here’s a suggestion to those of you who love birds and snakes. Adopt a dog, and take him for long walks where you can enjoy watching the birds fly and snakes slither in the grass.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm not sure how to react to this post. I know it's not right to keep animals locked up, but the birds I own - two white doves - were in a cage for 13 years and their owners couldn't care for them anymore, so my family took them in - they would die if they were let free as they don't know of a life outside the cage walls. As you can see, it's different in my case. I've had many animals growing up and they've all been rescue pets we've taken care of until their mothers found them or until their wings were healed. Interesting that you don't think having a pet cat or dog is wrong. Cats and dogs have it just as bad as any other animal as millions are abused every year. There are five times more homeless dogs and cats than there is of people worldwide ( Every animal should be free, but you're doing more harm buying cats and dogs from the pet store because you're contributing to animal breeders who are breeding thousands of animals - too many to ever have a good home for all of them. Do you think dogs or cats like it when you hug them or dress them up? Didn't think so. Do you think your cat likes to be trapped inside the house because it will run away if you let it outside? Or that your dog likes to go on walks with a leash or choker around it's neck?

    1. I respect you're opinion Sarah, but its completely different when you compare having a dog per say a bird. Birds lives to fly in large spaced areas and dogs being warm harted loving members of our family could not just be born in the wild and live an ordinary life.

    2. You're so right, I understand the comparison completely. Dogs and cats were made domestic, compared to naturally wild animals, like fish, birds, tigers, etc. Not just that, but they pose a threat, as do some domestic animals, to the owner and those who surround them. You never know when a tiger's hunting instincts kick in and they attack your 2 month old baby and unfortunately, we've seen so many of these cases from all over the world.
