Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Losing fun as we get older.

Once again, I’m sure most of you feel the same way I do when it comes to having fun. When you’re a kid all you want to do is play. Kids see the fun in everything, and play until they’re tired. That’s what being a kid is all about, playing and having fun. As we become older, fun time becomes restricted. We are given recess to have fun. Recess is the time where we are being told to, “go be crazy, have fun, this is the time to have fun.” We are programed to have fun at a certain time, and for a short time, then we are expected to be serious. We are not taught to have fun all the time. For example, we have all heard the phrase, “behave now and you will have time to play at recess on the jungle gym.” At a young age, we begin to process this message, and learn we can only be happy and have fun when we are told to, or given permission to. As we get older, we lose more playtime when we start high school, and the only time we have to be silly or have fun with our friends is while we eat our lunch and talk with out mouths full. As we get older we lose play time altogether. We become adults, work nine to five, and unfortunately don’t make or find time to play. We bottle up all this desire to have fun. When you’re an adult, you cant just stop to just stop what you’re doing and, and have recess, or play and enjoy life. The only time most adults get a sense of recess, or playtime is if they’re at a wedding, living in the moment, and just having fun. Dancing, laughing and having fun all night brings them back to there childhood where they were given time to have fun. Dancing at the office just doesn’t happen. Unfortunately, most adults wait for a wedding, or special occasion to have fun, like going out for recess and that is very annoying. It seems to be when you become older you put on a mask of maturity that falls off when you’re living in the moment and loving life. I will often times here people say“, sitting on my couch and watching the sun while listening to the birds chirp was a wasted the day.” Once again, that’s our inner kid feeling like we needed permission do that. The same goes for people who only think they have to be on vacation to sit around, relax and do nothing. I think if we want to sit around and do nothing for a few hours and live in the moment we should. From an early age we’ve been programed into thinking we have to wait for that right moment. As we get older, we think of what needs to be done tomorrow, or the following day. We need to start thinking like kids again, have fun now. and not wait for that wedding or vacation to enjoy life. 


  1. I totally agree with you on this one Chris! I find that especially being in grade 12 , where your grades are the most important , we forget to take the time to go out or just take time to relax! Adults now a days don't really understand the teenager brain of this century! They always think we are being "too crazy" or wasting our time on silly things! But I think that if we don't take the time to release our childish side at times we would be very miserable with our life. I always go by the saying " Live life to the fullest!" and i think this post describes that very well. Till next time!

    1. Thanks Jillian, I love that quote too ."Live life to the fullest" It really does some up everything that we want in our life. Of course it means something different for everyone but deep down we all share the desire to do what ever we want. When living life to the fullest it gives us that great feeling of rebellion because we feel restricted when it comes to our happiness. We always try and make other feel happy before our selves but when we don’t were at peace with our selves "Living life to the fullest".

  2. You got a good point with this one. Life goes by so fast and most people forget to or aren't allowed to really enjoy it and have fun. As we grow older we're expected to be strict grown-ups and always work nonstop. If more people thought like you we could maybe have less depressed people in the world.

    1. Thanks Alex, Yes time does go by fast. Why is it that we can't enjoy it? It's printed in our brain that we can enjoy being a little lazy as we get older, but we should take time to be a little lazy because when your younger you clearly have a lot more time to relax. One day were going to miss the rest we have right now, we are going to wish we had all this free time. So why not take it in while we have it.

  3. Honestly, I don't want to grow up. Being a teenager and not having to worry about anything is probably the best thing. You don't have to worry about anything other then your grades, friends and family. Yes you do have chores, but they are minor things unlike paying bills, or having a real job, having to take care of children and buying houses and cars. Growing up sucks !

    1. But growing up doesn’t have to suck. We all have to grow up at some point. Just because adults have to pay bills, work a real job, take care of children and buy a house or car doesn’t mean these things make your life suck. If anything this is not a bad thing but rather a good thing. If you find a job you love you wont have to worry about working a real job, and those bills your worrying about paying will be for those nice things you always wanted to buy when you were a kid like that nice car or your dream home. And for taking care of kids it should be a privilege. When you start to growing up no one said you have to have right away kids. If you do decide to have kids and you don’t “have” to take care of them you “get to” take care of your kids. You have plenty of time before you need to decide on having kids. Growing up doesn’t have to suck if you choose what you want to do.

  4. I think every teenager can relate to this sort of "transition" between child to adult. This change really does suck, I mean I miss the good ole days when the only thing I had to worry about was who I was going to sit next to on the bus. Now we have to focus on homework and work, later on we need to worry about even bigger things like taxes, morgages and putting food on the table for our family. Keep up the interesting blogs.

    1. Yes Paying taxes, morgages and putting food on the table can become stressful but its wont take long before it will become a new normal for us. If you look at all that as negative you will look at everything that comes after as stressfully and you will wish you were still in the days that you just had to worry about paying taxes, your morgages and putting food on the table. Everyone has to do it, but if you took more time to relax an enjoy life it wont be a huge change just like switching from elementary school to high school you will get used to it and find time to enjoy life .ool.

  5. I think we old foggies can still find the time to have fun. I agree that I don't "have to" take care of my kids, but I "get to." Good insight.

    I play with my son all the time, but I also take the time to relax and have fun on my own or with my wife. We might play a video game, watch a movie, or just go for a walk. No one has to become a workaholic when they grow up. Sure you have added responsibility, but you can still have fun dashnagit!

    1. Im glad to hear that! Most old foggies like to act like they have no time for fun. Its always cool to see adults who keep an open mind when it comes to things like video games. I guess I have no place to judge because I'm not an adult, but I'm sure I will be able to find time to have fun.

  6. I see your point and I believe the fun never ends as long as you just enjoy the little things and not expect such high expectations. But yes life does move on and we become old but the fun never ends it's just some chose to ignore it.
