Friday, November 8, 2013

People who are mad at you for no good reason are rude people

There’s a good chance you know of one of these people. Most of us have a rude friend who gets mad at us for no good reason. I’m sure all of us get very annoyed when having to deal with a rude friend. He or she generally has a quick temper, and is usually disrespectful. He or she usually kills your spirit, and steals your happiness. You do your best to try and convince yourself that they’re your friend, but you realize deep down in your heart that you’re nothing more than a servant to them. You’re not happy with the situation, and you feel it every day. You don’t become any happier by trying to make things better because you know that you did not wrong, and don’t deserve this type of treatment. Having a conversation to try and figure them out is usually pointless because they recognize that they are mad and being rude. There’s really no point in maintaining a friendship. I would rather say bye bye, and let them go, get them out of our life. I like to compare these types of relationships with feeling sick, and you need to throw up. You usually don’t want to throw up because you don’t like the feeling, but you know that once you do, you’ll feel so much better. You really don’t want to walk away from this friend, but you know that you’ll feel better once you do. Having this person in your life just isn’t worth it. I am so tired of people making excuses for rude behviour. Excuses that include, “don’t mind him, he’s just wired, or just different, you need to get used to him.” This person will generally be quite, speaks rudely rude and will be analyzing your every move. Unfortunately when you say something to one of their friends about their behavior, they generally respond with, “you’ll get used to him, his got a weird personality.” At some point, you will start a friend ship because your first thought is, “Ok, he’s got an angry personality, but he or she seems cool.” To me, that’s so annoying. If someone tells you that, don’t believe it. Rude people need to be confronted. Let’s say, for example, if someone didn’t wear deodorant, and had body odor, it would not be tolerated. A friend would not tell say, “you’ll get used to him, he’s got bad BO.” They would likely tell him, “you smel,l do something about it.” But, we continue to excuses for angry, rude people. Why, because we’re afraid of the repercussions. Unfortunately, we need to be realistic, because at some point in our lives, we will encounter that angry, rude person, whether it’s a friend, coach, boss, or teacher.  


  1. Personally, I rarely get mad; however, I know some of my friends that get mad over the silliest things. One of my friends hated a girl by the way she walked! I mean sometimes I do say comments on how some girls walk trying to shake their behind but I was never actually mad about it!

  2. Couldn't agree with you more on this one. It really puts me in a bad mood when people kill my vibe because I'll I do is just try to have fun and chill out and you got people that just scream at you for no reason.

  3. I have a rude friend, and i think you know who i'm talking about Chris. Its really annoying when he try's to pick fights and just ends up making everyone around him mad. People like that should just keep to themselves and leave others alone.
