Monday, September 30, 2013

Substitute Teacher

Substitute Teachers:  I’m sure that most of you feel the same way I do when it comes to having a substitute teacher. The frustrated thoughts that run through my mind when walking into a classroom and seeing a stranger with a stressed out, I don’t want to teach attitude, but I’m stuck here, and yes, you will have to look at me for the next hour. There are two kinds of substitute teachers. The strict one that got the wrong memo that said, he or she is coming to teach a classroom of military cadets or, the one who appears to have no clarification and is clueless when it comes to teaching a lesson for one hour. Lets start with the strict Military Colonel. He or she is going to make your next hour of class time miserable. He or she will treat your classroom like a bunker, and flip everything over for poor performance. Once that’s complete, and your bunker is ransacked, attendance will begin. As each name is called out your response should be a simple here. But, there’s always one soldier who responds with a “Yup”. Your colonel will hate that and punish you with an unspeakable letter to your teacher who will return knowing you were disrespectful. As the class rolls on your duties, or mission will be assigned, but the Colonel will turn every group mission into a solo mission that will require you to complete it at 1500 hours. If you fail, you will also receive a letter stating you didn’t complete the mission. Your punishment will include probation, to be served the next day during your lunch hour, minus your lunch. Secondly, we have the substitute teacher who appears to have no clarification, and is clueless. When walking into this classroom, we find a shy looking teacher who is normally dressed comfortably. This type of substitute is none assuming. What do I mean by that you might ask? Well for starters the classroom attendance will take two to three times longer then normal. When trying to pronounce a name such as mine, Couloufis, I typically get, “ is Chris Cou…ca… lou..F..I..S, Ca.. Lou Fus…Clueless, I give up here.” And the last name game usually includes 20 of the 30 kids who have uncommon last names. That adds up to 10 minutes of mispronunciations, and class work time that will turn into homework. Once attendance is over, and you’ve fallen half asleep, the teacher who has now forgotten the class needs to be taught, begins to talk about his or hers life. A life that includes there mother, father, kids, athletic injuries that cost them a chance to play pro ball, a dream of being a musician that failed so they became a teacher. Whatever the story, you find yourself asking, “What does this have to do with school work.”  Can we have the day off, what’s the point? When does the teaching start? When it does start, the students begin to ask questions. Questions the substitute cant answer. They stare at you with a blank look on their face, as if they’ve seen a ghost. We usually get stuck with homework that we don’t understand. Substitute teachers are impossible to work with.


  1. This is so funny, because it is completely accurate to when we have a substitute teacher now a days! Doesn't it bother you when your actual teacher is absent the day before an evaluation and you have so many questions to ask him/her ? Especially being in a French School, for example, it's not just a qualified math teacher we need, but a french qualified math teacher. I do understand teachers will be absent, but I believe we should get better substitue teachers.

  2. I totally understand how you feel when I see a substitute teacher who doesn't know what they're doing and I know that the day will be wasted my heart just sinks. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thinks like that

    1. Thanks Lucas, I also feel my heart sinking when I walk in and know that nothing productive will happen for the next hour. Its weird how they're like a bread of clueless people who just want to either boss people around or just do then bare minimum in a position that should be looked up to.

  3. Ha-ha good stuff Chris, I agree with you on this one. Especially with the last name thing they usually don't attempt to say mine because their brain just can't seem to process it. You are also right about the types of substitutes because it's always either a crazy sub or a lazy sub that goes on their email the whole time.

    1. Thanks Alex, I cant understand why they can ever get anyone’s last name right. Do they even have an educational background that at one point that involved at some point reading tricky words. After my name is butchered that’s all I need is my friend teasing me about my last name for an hour.

  4. Chris, this is really funny. I can`t wait to see more of your posts. Have you ever thought about becoming an animateur or a comedian? you seem to be extremely good with technology and you are very funny. Keep it up, you will go far in the world of movies and what not. Great blog. I totally agree with your post.

    1. Thanks Jenna, to answer your question no I have never thought about becoming an animator or comedian. I guess you could say I just enjoying making funny little Photoshop’s for projects or personal humor. I enjoy talking about relatable topics and adding humor to them but I couldn’t see myself doing it on professional level like a comedian.

  5. You're right about most substitutes Chris but there are some awesome substitutes out there. The problem is that the are like needles in a haystack. I bet most of these military substitutes are more than likely afraid of the students and in desperation to keep power and authority. This will turn the classroom into a dictatorship in lieu of a democracy as in this case the people they rule do not respect them.

    1. Thanks Michael, I am not painting them all with the brush. I do notice the good substitute teachers but unfortunately when most get some power of a group of students it will either make or break them. I just get annoyed when they do not even get the chance to meet us and before they start power tripping.

  6. Wow I find your blog really funny! You are so right, when I walk into class and see a sub teacher I instantly think about walking out of class and just skipping! They are such a waste of time! I'm really looking forward to reading more of your posts!!

    1. Thanks Meighan, we should have the choice to skip or stay if we want when it comes to having a substitute teacher. First of all there being paid to sit at a desk and do nothing and all we do with a substitute teacher is find ways to not do the busy work that wont even be marked or corrected.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This blog is so true, I agree that many substitutes are just like this, with a little less exaggeration. There are many substitutes who I wish would just stop nagging and let me do my work. However, there are other substitutes who try their best to make that classroom a comfortable work zone, for us students. For example, Mel Gibson, one of the best subs of all time! I can't wait till your next post.

    1. Thanks Derek, Yes nagging is a huge problem. I lose my concentration and focus of the busy work given while our teacher is absent. "Mr. Mel Gibson" you speak of may appear to be a good substitute to you I cant help but feel like time is wasted as he just gives the work, does not explain it, and sits at the teachers desk while he reads the paper. Leaving me to depend on the help of my classmates.

  9. Hilarious blog + I love your background picture. Watch out for some spelling mistakes here and there. (their vs there, her vs hers, etc.)

  10. Yeah it annoys me when some subs are just stuck up but I do enjoy the subs that don't know anything and we just mess around with them all period.

  11. Don't even get me started. That moment when I walk into a class and I see an unfamiliar face I know that today is going to an interesting day. Though I tend to dislike most subs there are few exceptions. That being said I feel as if I make it an out most effort to bother that sub if they are mean. I either do not comply with them or simply go do work in the office if I need to do work All a sub is an expensive baby sitter who makes sure we don't kill ourselves.
