Saturday, December 21, 2013

Catching a cold

Catching colds that aren't life threatening have to be the most annoying thing ever. You know when you catch a cold because it's never really a surprise. You generally wake up with a soar throat. You try and carry on with your day, but you feel like you’ve been hit like a bus. You quickly realize that you are in the begining stages of a cold that might last a week or two. The first cough is always the worst because you know it's only the first of many more. As you start to notice you have the erg to cough, it's not long until you get the running nose. Now that you start getting the running nose, you'll notice that every minute of your day will be devoted to blowing you're nose, which will get annoying after the 5th time. Now that it’s confirmed you have a cold, your focus will be on trying to prevent coughing in public, and making sure your nose isn't leaking while talking to people. Now that you're whole day was pretty crappy you'll go home and look up every cure online. You'll put your personal trust into some complete stranger that probably has no medical background. Or, you can go to the clinic, wait 2 to 3 hours for a doctor to tell you to eat soup. Having a cold is a lose, lose situation. Once you’re better by getting the proper rest and eating the proper cold treating meals, you find yourself another cold the following week. Having a cold is annoying, something we all have to go through. Some make it out in a few days, and some and some in a few weeks. You can you wash you're hands 100 times a day, take you're vitamins and get the proper sleep because germs have no boundaries and they will get you when you least expect it. 

The nap cycle

The nap cycle is when you take a nap after a long day of school, work, or just really tired. Now, don't get me wrong, naps are great. The  problem with naps is when you have no control of how long you nap, and you end up sleeping for 3 to 4 hours.  Falling asleep at night is nearly impossible. You toss and turn, and before you know it, it’s late. By the time you fall asleep, it's 2 or 3 a.m.  The following day you're even more tired than you were the previous day, when you took the nap. This is where the cycle comes into play. If you don’t have any will power, you'll take your daily 3 to 4 hour power nap. This usually means  sacrificing homework, or other things that might seem meaningless because you're so tired. This has to be one of the most annoying cycles to get out of. It's hard to get out of it as well. For starters, you'll need to find the motivation to stay awake after school, struggling to keep you're eyes open. You can try to stay awake by listening to loud music, or watching TV, but both will at times make you even more tired. You could even try to move the nap to a later time, and sleep until the next morning, but this may not be that easy. You could find yourself waking up at 10 or 11 p.m., and staying awake until the next morning. I think the best way not to get stuck in a nap cycle is to not take a nap. If that doesn’t work for you, then try setting your alarm clock giving yourself a 15 or 30 minute nap.

Killing Brian Griffin on Family Guy

I'm sure that by now, most of you have heard that, the family dog, Brian Griffin, from the popular TV show, Family Guy, died. I for one,watched the episode the night it premiered, and like many people, was extremely out raged. Brian wasn't just any cartoon dog. He was a warm hearted, funny member of the Griffin family for 14 years. He brought many exiting episodes to me, and my family. I can’t wrap my head around why they decided to kill Brian. After all, we have seen him come close to death so many times, but never thought he’d actually die.  It’s just a cartoon. When cutting out a character, it would make more sense to kill off a character that has no real importance, like when they got rid of Cleveland Brown a few years ago. Rather than kill Brian, the character who gave so much to the show, like his fun adventure episodes with Stevie, or the very funny bar episodes with Peter, Joe and, Guigmir, or the episodes where we laugh at Brian’s secret crush for Louis. The chemistry with Brian and the other main characters was too good to disrupt.  The Family Guy writer must be crazy to throw it all  away. Even worse, the Griffin family went ahead a got a new dog called Vinny. This really frustrated me. Replacing something great with something new and unknown really sucks.  Fourteen years of memories, and now no Brian. I wouldn't be surprised if Family Guys TV ratings start to go down because Brian is gone.  The writer will need to be creative if he wants to bring him back. If they bring him back I, like many people would be a happier Family Guy fan but if they don't. I guess I will have to put with Vinny.

Having to take the bus

Having to take the bus. I, like most kids, take the bus. For starters, I hate taking the bus. First of all, I have no friends on my bus. No one to pass the time with, it’s horrible. Having no friends on the bus is like being sent to summer camp with people you know, but nothing in common, and nothing to talk about. I don't know what it is about my bus, but most of the people don't know how to keep their thoughts to themselves, or keep their voices down. Most of them listen to their music out loud so that everyone can hear, rather than wear headphones. Further more, busses don't have seat belts, and my bus driver is a little on the reckless side. Anytime we hit a bump, I feel like I’ve been punched from my seat, which really annoyes me. Would it kill the bus company to hire a better bus driver, or install seat belts before some kid is killed. Our country makes it mandatory for children to wear seatbelts, but we seem to think it’s ok not to wear them on a school bus. I do however appreciate the no food rule, but when it’s broken, I'm ready to jump off the bus, and walk home, even if it means walking an hour, just to avoid the family stinky family recipe. Yes, the bus offers free service to kids, but there's so much that comes along with it and I don't like it. One other thing that drives me crazy is that you can’t get dropped off where you want. For example, my bus drives past my street, and continues three blocks before the driver actually drops me off. Even worse, I’m dropped off two blocks from my street. It makes no sense. Why would anyone want to drive a bus, winters are freezing cold, there’s too much rain in the spring, and summers are too hot to be riding around without air conditioning. Yes, the bus offers free service to kids, but there’s so much that comes along with it that I just don’t like.  

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Winter, the season of annoying weather.

Winter, the cold and all it's annoying gifts that come along with its misery.  Unlike most Canadians, I hate the winter. It's extremely cold, sub zero temperatures are real issues that are impossible to resolve. Don't get me wrong, I love a cold, snowy Christmas day, and spending time with family, but I can do without the cold weeks before Christmas, they’re just a nightmare. I take no pride in being apart of a season where you rarely see the sun, and it always feel like its nighttime. What sane person want’s to live somewhere where it gets dark early, it’s grey and gloomy during the day, and to top it off, it’s frizzing cold and tones of snow. I feel at times that I'm losing my mind in the winter months. The cold makes me emotionless, and at times, very short tempered. I need to dress like an Eskimo everywhere I go. At times wearing two pairs of pants, a shirt, sweater, winter jacket, gloves and a toque. This is crazy compared to a warm climate country, where you can wear shorts and a t-shirts 365 days a year. Yes, they don't get snow, but who needs snow when you have the sun and warm weather. During the winter months, I spend too much time drinking warm beverages, and sitting 2 feet from the fireplace. It's a struggle living life during the winter months, especially when your car has been parked outside all night. Having to wait either 15 minutes for it to warm up, or suffering when you’re running late, and you have to sit in that freezer on wheels. I think the only good thing about snow is having it on Christmas morning, and having a snow day. Snow days are the best, you sleep in and are assured that you won't be in trouble for not going to school. In conclusion, life would be much better with out winter and all it's awful baggage that comes along with it. Winter is the season of misery and constant annoyances that I have no control over.