Friday, November 8, 2013

Uncomfortable things people do that make me uncomfortably annoyed

People will do some crazy things, but people who do crazy things to their bodies make me feel uncomfortably annoyed. Piercing on parts of the body looks painful, and unattractive. For example, lip and tongue piercings not only look uncomfortable, but also, I feel uncomfortable watching and listening to someone slur their words as they’re trying to talk to me. They fumble their words as they talk, and it usually sounds as though they are talking with a slip. I get so distracted by the piercings and slurs that I feel uncomfortably annoyed. I have to believe that the person wearing the lip or tongue piercing must feel uncomfortable as well. Let’s be honest, how could it possibly be comfortable, not to mention annoying. Then, why wear them. It must be for attention, because it’s certainly not attractive. If fact, I compare the piercings to a booger in your nose, it’s uncomfortable, distracting and annoying to look at.  Why pierce your lip or tongue in the first place? They’re not attractive. I have to believe it’s a way of getting attention, because there’s really no other explanation. If you’re reading this, and you have a lip of tongue piercing, or are thinking of getting them, don’t do it, it’s not attractive, or cute. I don’t want to be distracted or annoyed by something that makes no sense. When I talk to someone with a lip or tongue piercing I always clue off in the conversation and wonder how would they eat spicy food? What if that ring got caught on something? Now let me mention another uncomfortable thing people do to them self that are annoying and uncomfortable. Another uncomfortable annoying thing is wearing your baseball hat on sideways. They weren’t meant to wear sideways. Your head isn’t designed that way. Wearing it sideways must be uncomfortable, not to mention annoying to look at. When I’m talking to someone with his or her hat to the side I ask myself, Does their neck tan evenly? Do they know you can use a hat to keep the sun out of your face our hair? Do they that know that they just look really unattractive? In conclusion there are better ways to draw attention to yourself then looking dumb.      

People who are mad at you for no good reason are rude people

There’s a good chance you know of one of these people. Most of us have a rude friend who gets mad at us for no good reason. I’m sure all of us get very annoyed when having to deal with a rude friend. He or she generally has a quick temper, and is usually disrespectful. He or she usually kills your spirit, and steals your happiness. You do your best to try and convince yourself that they’re your friend, but you realize deep down in your heart that you’re nothing more than a servant to them. You’re not happy with the situation, and you feel it every day. You don’t become any happier by trying to make things better because you know that you did not wrong, and don’t deserve this type of treatment. Having a conversation to try and figure them out is usually pointless because they recognize that they are mad and being rude. There’s really no point in maintaining a friendship. I would rather say bye bye, and let them go, get them out of our life. I like to compare these types of relationships with feeling sick, and you need to throw up. You usually don’t want to throw up because you don’t like the feeling, but you know that once you do, you’ll feel so much better. You really don’t want to walk away from this friend, but you know that you’ll feel better once you do. Having this person in your life just isn’t worth it. I am so tired of people making excuses for rude behviour. Excuses that include, “don’t mind him, he’s just wired, or just different, you need to get used to him.” This person will generally be quite, speaks rudely rude and will be analyzing your every move. Unfortunately when you say something to one of their friends about their behavior, they generally respond with, “you’ll get used to him, his got a weird personality.” At some point, you will start a friend ship because your first thought is, “Ok, he’s got an angry personality, but he or she seems cool.” To me, that’s so annoying. If someone tells you that, don’t believe it. Rude people need to be confronted. Let’s say, for example, if someone didn’t wear deodorant, and had body odor, it would not be tolerated. A friend would not tell say, “you’ll get used to him, he’s got bad BO.” They would likely tell him, “you smel,l do something about it.” But, we continue to excuses for angry, rude people. Why, because we’re afraid of the repercussions. Unfortunately, we need to be realistic, because at some point in our lives, we will encounter that angry, rude person, whether it’s a friend, coach, boss, or teacher.  

Thursday, November 7, 2013

People who own a wild animals as pets

I'm not talking about animals who love companionship such as dogs, and cats. I'm talking about people who own snakes, mice, birds, and any other animal that needs to live in the wild, and not in a cage. For example, keeping a bird in a cage is ridiculous and just plain wrong. If you’re reading this, and have a pet bird locked in a cage, or thinking of becoming a bird owner, this blog is for you. First of all, what are you doing with the bird? Birds were meant to fly. There’s not a whole lot of flying going on in that cage. You’re not doing the bird any favours by keeping him locked in a cage. Think about it, the bird spends the entire day eating sunflower seeds, pooping on an old newspaper, and chirping. Yes, chirping, and why do you think the bird is chirping? I can definitely tell you he’s not thanking you for his wonderful home made of bars. He’s not thanking you for his lack of freedom, and boring life. Lets just say, he’s chirping something I can’t repeat. What kind of person keeps a bird for a pet? Does it make you feel good to hear people say, “what a cute little bird.” Here’s a thought, let the bird put you in a cage where he can feed you little pieces of hot dog, poop on old newspaper, and cry all day because you can’t go for a walk, or stretch your legs. Doesn’t sound good, does it. Let me guess, you’re the same person who keeps a pet snake in an aquarium. I’m not sure what’s worse, a bird in a cage, or a snake in an aquarium. Again, a wild animal living in prison thanks to you, yes you, the inhumane pet owner. So, what is so appealing about keeping these pets? In my opinion, nothing, nothing at all. Here’s a suggestion to those of you who love birds and snakes. Adopt a dog, and take him for long walks where you can enjoy watching the birds fly and snakes slither in the grass.